To start with, they were ignored by their parents. It would certainly explain how two exceptionally wise and caring children went on a rampage. Which made them about as likely to kill as Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King Junior.

They were said to be high-minded and idealistic, and hated racism, sexism, ageism, and similar isms and idiotic hatreds. I believe this because of something I read about the Columbine killers, Harris and Klebold. either by committing suicide or by getting rid of what they percieve to be blocking them. but if they constantly fail to do so, they psychologically implode or explode very violently. If they feel that their purpose in life (even if they don't consciously know what that purpose is) is being blocked or stopped, they will try to unblock it. So here I go, about the dark side of indigos: Respect, honesty, caring, kindness, and a democratic voice in the family are what they require.

If you talk down to them or assume that they are stupid or ignorant because they are kids, they will disrespect you. They have a lot of energy, and they demand to be treated with the same kind of respect that is usually afforded adults. Quick definition of indigo children from a secular perspective: kids that are much smarter than average in at least one way, maybe even smarter than their parents not prodigies, but just very brilliant in one area or more. If they can mess up the old form of children, these new kids will be even worse for these people. I've been reading up on indigo children, and found something fascinating and scary, especially considering that many people have children because they think it's expected, but are not good parents.